MAple MAdness

Rock Crest Garden’s take on NCAA March Madness is here for the second year in a row! 64 maple trees go head-to-head in the ultimate showdown!

Vote for your favorite tree in each round—whichever maple reigns supreme will be 20% off all year! Plus, the participant with the most votes cast will win a $500 Rock Crest Gardens gift card! Let the Maple Madness begin!

Stay tuned on our Instagram for more info, and ways to earn additional entries!

 Learn More About This Round’s Maples Below:

Voting starts 3/9!

Acer x pseudosieboldianum North Wind

Acer x pseudosieboldianum Ice Dragon

Acer x pseudosieboldianum Arctic Jade

Acer x conspicuum phoenix

Acer tegmentosum Joe Witt

Acer shirasawanum Moonrise

Acer shirasawanum Microphyllum

Acer shirasawanum Johin

Acer shirasawanum Autumn Moon

Acer saccharum Monumentale

Acer rufinerve Winter Gold

Acer pseudoplatanus Eskimo Sunset

Acer plamatum Ji Jao

Acer palmatum Villa Taranto

Acer Palmatum Ukigumo

Acer palmatum Twombly's Red Sentinel

Acer palmatum Toyama Nishiki

Acer palmatum Tattoo

Acer palmatum Summer Gold

Acer palmatum Sister Ghost

Acer palmatum Shishigashira

Acer palmatum Shidava Gold

Acer palmatum Sekka Yatsubusa

Acer palmatum Ryusen

Acer palmatum Purple Ghost

Acer palmatum Peaches and Cream

Acer palmatum Olson's Frosted Strawberry

Acer palmatum Okukuji Nishiki

Acer palmatum Nishiki Gawa

Acer palmatum Musashino

Acer palmatum Mikawa Yatsubusa

Acer palmatum Kurenai Jishi

Acer palmatum Koto No Ito

Acer palmatum Koto Maru

Acer palmatum Kevins Little Sango

Acer palmatum Jim's Memory

Acer palmatum Hupp's Dwarf

Acer palmatum Grandma Ghost

Acer palmatum Goshiki Kotohime

Acer palmatum Giesha Gone Wild

Acer palmatum First Ghost

Acer palmatum Fireglow

Acer palmatum dissectum Watnong

Acer palmatum dissectum Tamukeyama

Acer palmatum dissectum Spring Delight

Acer palmatum dissectum Ornatum

Acer palmatum dissectum Mioun

Acer palmatum dissectum Jeddeloh Orange

Acer palmatum dissectum Green Hornet

Acer palmatum dissectum Contorta

Acer palmatum Coonara Pygmy

Acer palmatum Baby Ghost

Acer palmatum Amber Ghost

Acer palmatum Alpine Sunrise

Acer palamtum Tsuma Beni

Acer japonimcum Yasmin

Acer japonicum Vitifolium

Acer japonicum Red Dawn

Acer Japonicum Oregon Fern

Acer japonicum Green Cascade

Acer japonicum Gossamer

Acer Japonicum Fairy Lights

Acer japonicum Attaryi

Acer griseum Paperbark Maple Multistem

Voting Schedule

Round One - Vote from March 9th - March 15th for the Round of 64 → 32 Winners

Round Two - Vote from March 16th - March 22nd for the Round of 32 → 16 Winners

Round Three -  Vote from March 23rd - March 29th for the Sweet 16 → 8 Winners

Round Four - Vote from March 30th - April 2nd for the Elite 8 → 4 Winners

Round Five - Vote from April 3rd - April 5th for the Final Four → 2 Winners

Round Six - Vote from April 6th - April 8th for the Winner Round